You haven’t met this person before, yet you have got these positive vibes you can’t quite explain. It’s your first day at work and you meet a new colleague. Jonas Salk, American medical researcher and virologist. “Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.” Top scientists and leaders such as Albert Einstein and Steve Jobs attribute their achievements to their “gut-feeling.” But, what makes a person more connected to their gut-feeling? Who benefits from the perks of intuition the most? Discover the 5 traits of highly intuitive people and how to trust your intuition. The good news is that this inner voice or sixth sense exists and it is called intuition. You don’t know where the voice comes from or why, but you definitely know that it is truthful. Listening to this voice is like putting your mind on autopilot, and allowing it to perform actions and processing information without conscious awareness. Imagine hearing a voice that doesn’t use any words a voice that is always right and comes from within yourself.